My Goals and Philosophy

I am a board-certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist located on Long Island, licensed in the state of New York and have successfully performed circumcisions for over 20 years. I am also a certified mohel having completed the Berit Milah Program for physician Mohalim. This comprehensive program is sponsored by: The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR); The Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR); and the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).

My surgical expertise and detail oriented personality are reflected in my innovative approach to planning and performing a Brit Milah ceremony. A passion for intricate details allows me to create a vibrant and contemporary ceremony that embraces a 4,000 year old tradition with enormous dignity and grace.

My devotion to excellence is unparalleled. I have continually explored and refined the concept of the "perfect Brit Milah." My goal is to make each ceremony unique and personalized and I am relentless in terms of creating a beautiful moment in a family’s life.

The Royal Mohel - A Historical Perspective

The religious basis of circumcision dates back to Genesis 17, when Abraham made a covenant with God that all males would be circumcised at eight days of age. This covenant has been universally observed by Jews over the millennia, including Jesus and the early Christians. It wasn't until Paul began proselytizing among non-Jews that he ruled that circumcision was not a requirement. Baptism or "circumcision of the heart," was an acceptable substitute [Romans 2:29].

Oddly enough, circumcision has long been associated with non-Jewish upper classes and with royalty. Ancient Egyptian priests were circumcised. King Louis XVI of France and Queen Victoria of England popularized the procedure among their subjects. Louis XVI who was married to Marie Antoinette, was also circumcised at 22 years of age to cure phimosis, a permanently unretractable foreskin.  Queen Victoria, convinced that the British Royal Family was descended from King David, had her male offspring circumcised. This tradition continued through Edward VII, the Duke of Windsor, and Charles, the current Prince of Wales, who was circumcised by a well-known physician and mohel, Dr. Jacob Snowman also known as “The Royal’s Mohel”.

Adapted from: Edgar J. Schoen, MD.

It would be my honor to attend your son’s Brit Milah.


Dr. Richard I. Roberts - Certified Mohel
Cell: 516.455.2374